ok aku x tahu naper, aku emo sejak kebelakangan nie.
first of all aku stress sebab 3 tahun aku kat cni,
xde org pown bg birthday cake kat aku.. de masa soph am and kyra
bg tapi tuh kek molten chocolate kat chilli's bukan x appreciate
i did, i'm flattered but I want the real cake. haish lantak lah
I feel like mmg vandy 13 nie xde yg syg aku maybe?
ok pas tuh ble aku cakap bek2 kat sorg minah nie
dia marah aku sebab aku x ajak dia gi pub.
wtf? aku x ajak sumer org ok.. aku ajak bella, irfan, adilah,
wanie.. klu ko nak gi, gi je ah pub tuh.. selama nie ko de ke ajak
aku kuar gi mana2? Aku x rasa ko ajak aku so naper aku nak kene ajak ko
pas tuh nak emo2.. len ah klu ko mmg baik dgn aku, ajak aku
gi makan kat sumer tempat pas tuh aku x ajak ko.. make sense ah
ko nak marah aku.. pas tuh aku ajak bella, wanie, adilah dgn irfan
tahu x sebab pe.. sebab dorg de phone lah bongok.. ko de phone ke
yg aku nak kene ajak ko nie.. pas tuh aku pretty sure aku x ajak abel
i mean aku x ajak gne hp.. malam tuh sblm gi tuh, abel dgn dillot
dgr conversation aku dgn bella.. tuh lah kowt yg aku rasa abel tahu
aku nak gi pub.. tapi aku x ajak dia ok.. aku tahu lah aku x ajak.
pas tuh dia nie x tahu benda sbnr pas tuh cakap aku bohong dia.
i'm like wtf minah.. ko nie bodoh ke apa.. tapi pham x naper aku emo
de 3 sebab. 1) sebab dia x tahu benda sbnr pas tuh nak emo2 pehal?
2) pernah ke ko ajak aku makan sama2 dgn ko? so why should I?
3) aku sebelum tuh aku cakap aku sayang kat dia sebab
dia save rendang utk aku tapi dia balas balik dgn nada yg emo
dia kata apesal x ajak aku pas tuh cakap aku bohong dia.
I'm like wtf
4) dia marah aku depan org ramai and aku x ske benda tuh
actually dia mmg cam tuh pown, ske marah org depan org ramai
pas tuh cakap at least aku x hipokrit, pas tuh cakap aku
nie kutuk blkg2. aku rasa mmg sumer org kutuk blkg2 pown x ke?
normal je at least i stand to my point yg dari ko malukan org
it is better ko kutuk dia blkg2 tapi kutuk kat sorg je person
yg ko trust at
least kemarahan ko terlepas or better lagi, ko diam je
x yah cakap pape. pas tuh asyik dia je yg nak menang, asyik dia
je yg nak betul. tension lah dgn minah nie.
aku rasa aku mmg x bleh ah dgn dia sebab dia nie
asyik nak cari point aku je. dah2 lah tuh kan
sumer org pown wat silap tapi serius ah aku mmg panas dgn dia
for real x tahu ah bila aku nak ok dgn dia.. maybe never?
pas tuh baru2 nie she wrote on her blog about these group of freshmen
yg malukan dia in public.. hello2 you dont have the right
to say that when all that you did is just the same as what
they did, stop making a big deal out of it lah..
hands down, mmg nobody perfect pown kan.. ko tuh x sedar ke
yg ko slalu malukan org depan org ramai.. marah2 x tentu pasal
ko tuh dah lah pompuan sedar lah diri ckit..
act like one if you want me to treat you as one.. I mean it and
yes I know I am not man enough but I know deep down
I dont like hurting people as much as you did.
and fyi setiap kali aku bitching pasal ko
EVERYONE, let me highlight the word, ALMOST EVERYONE,
bleh kata few je yg x cakap camnie.. "achid jgn layan dia tuh,
dia mmg macam tuh, *the person name* pown dia treat macam tuh gak
dia mmg layan sumer org macam tuh, sabar je dgn dia. klu lagi achid
layan lagi dia bitching sebab dia tuh mmg nak menang je.
so it shows that mmg you have inner problem lah kan, i mean
in term of attitude so kene lah ubah for that part, this
is crucial for the continuity of your friendship nanti kang
org x nak kawan sebab x selesa dgn ko. nak ke?
pas tuh dia cakap aku layan dia macam sampah, why should I
treat you like I treat all the other girls yg deserve to
be treated as one? because it is an overt statement that
you're not like them. SIMPLE!
idk we'll see, aku dah mle nak trust dia as in aku btol2
nak kawan dgn dia, tapi dia wat cam nie plak..
lantak lah! malas nak pk dah..
pas tuh nie nak cakap ckit lagu someone like you tuh
idk the lyrics was so well developed
i'm kind of attach to the song recently
especially part sometimes it last in love
sometimes it hurts instead tuh.. huhu
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