Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Final Week

OMG pejam celik pejam celik it's been two years dah aku kat cni
and I'm gonna be a junior.. HUAAAAA!!! dah ready ke?
daaaaaa, of course lah not! but like it or not I have to accept
the fact that I will be one sooner or later.
OK skrg nie class is over and people struggling with their final!
Aku macam bese ah, bgn dah sah2 kol 12.. pas tuh selagi x malam selagi tuh
x study.. kih3(jgn ikut please)!
mggu nie just de exam Japan but next week, from Monday to Thursday
exam back to back
Thursday-Circuit 2
Wish me all the best to my readers(klu de) -_-"..
And btw, dah lama x update about myself..
this coming May I'm going to NYC+TORONTO
with my other 18 fellow friends here..
CRAZY kan.. I know first time nie trip ramai2 nie
and di bawah kelolaan aku+reny.. we'll see hopefully people
like it..
ok lepas nie nak kene sambung study..
TO all Vandy 13 and Vandy students, good luck with your final ok guys

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Haha for those who will think that this is unnecessary please don't read it.
As Doc V said that we have to speak 100% english.. Here I am posting this
blog in english, note that I am not Doc V's son or something and never will
be because I am getting tired of people who want to earn respect from others
but still giving lies. Obviously it really hurts deep down!
OK malas plak nak tulis in English, rojak lah ea? kah3 sebab nanti
x kesampaian pe yg aku nak cakap..
First of all, aku x pernah mintak pown ko uruskan aku kat cni
ko yg volunteer nak jaga aku kat cni, aku x pernah pown suoh..
ko pk tanpa ko aku x bleh hidup ah kat cni? hello! like it or not,
housing is not a big problem to me.. aku kene dgr cakap ko sebab
nak housing je? macam wtf! ok maybe I do need him lah kan..
ok the point is, he wanted me to respect him tapi dia keep on
giving me a bullshit story.. dia nie mmg nak get on my nerves..
ye lah ko je lah yg btol.. ko je lah yg wat triple major..
ko je lah yg dapat 4.00.. ko je lah yg prof gne kertas ko
jadikan scheme jawapan.. dah lah kuat scheme! Ya ALLAH panas nyer dgn
org tua nie.. pas tuh nak tarik diri macam tuh je..
pas tuh nak biar kitaorg nie mati je kat cni..
klu nak tarik diri pown daripada awal ah.. at least kitaorg mmg
dah blajar macam mana nak survive daripada..
nie org dah berharap dgn ko.. tetiba ko nak blah macam tuh je
x ke rasa you being a jerk eventually? kannn?? cian lah
its like your mom jaga you for like two years pas tuh
ko x score academically, mak ko trus nak buang ko?
macam wtf? ske ati ah! hidup ah ko doc v.. dah ah x nak dgr cakap org
asyik nak dgr cakap dia je.. keje nak malukan org je..
nengkali, klu students tuh dah dying academically jgn lah pressure2..
bg support, bg perhatian ckit kat dia.. nie asyik nak marah2
pas tuh expect de perubahan? mmg x dapat ah.. teenagers kowt! or adult
I would say.. lagi ko nak marah lagi ah kitaorg memberontak..
haish, sampai bebila pown aku x bleh nak get over doc v nie
lantak lah dia.. kang aku cakap lebih2 org salah pham..
cuma I felt like klu dia tuh berubah ckit, mesti dak2 melayu
syg dia? x ke..
lagi satu yg pasal 100% english nie.. mmg x dapat ah
klu aku suoh ko blajar melayu, pas tuh cakap 100% melayu
ko bleh buat ke doc v? ko mestu tend to speak your first language
if there is american around you kan? macam benda make sense owh
pas tuh klu nak suoh kita mingle around dgn american,
bg lah masuk sorority tuh sumer.. bodoh! haaaa kan dah kene dgn aku
pk sorority tuh nak party je, hallloooo banyak lagi benefit dia
selain party, pandang yg bek ah! yg buruk tolak tepi
pas tuh x ke klu kita keje kita akan cakap english
for example, aku keje dining, dah sah2 ah aku amik order
cakap in english, haaaaa x ke improvekan english aku
besides dapat money.. dia pk klu keje je nak duit
pas tuh academic turun sebab keje..
cuba lah pk freshmen tuh mmg lah bleh score,
dah soph, junior and senior klu nak score tuh payah lah ckit
so make sense ah academic jatuh ckit.. lantak lah!

nak cakap pasal mggu nie aku soran bushi! fuhhh sakit tulang blkg practice
mggu nie xde exam tuh yg banyak ckit free masa..
summer nie iA aku gi NYC.. fuhhh asyik jalan je!
pas tuh konsert lady gaga is just around the corner.. 19 april nie..
waaaaaaaa sgt2 excited!